Is your balcony as bare as a hospital hallway? Perhaps it’s time to spruce things up — and what better way than with flowering plants? A few well-chosen plants can transform your space into a relaxing retreat and a destination for pollinating critters. Even the...
Dirt is the downside of gardening. You pick it up on the soles of your shoes and track it into the kitchen, foyer, car, or wherever else you go. And when the rains come, you may as well move to the garage if you want to preserve the new carpet in your home. A...
Do you love nature but hate pushing a mower? Are you a wannabe artist, geologist, and maybe Zen monk? Then rock gardening is for you! Just plant the rocks and watch them grow! All kidding aside, a rock garden may be the very thing to put your soul at ease and build a...
Begonias are native to tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, with a significant concentration in Central and South America. Discovered in the humid forests of Brazil and Mexico, these plants have been cultivated and hybridized to produce the diverse varieties we...
Xeriscapes save more than water. They save time, effort, and money because they require so little maintenance. Plus, a well-designed xeriscape is uniquely beautiful, a standout in a sea of suburban sameness. In this blog, we’ll list some of the best plants for a...