Anawalt Gardening & Tool Tips
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October 16th, 2024
Steel doors need special handling when it comes to paint, that is, if you want the paint to last.
Whether painting a new steel door or giving an old one a fresh coat, there’s a strict process to achieve a smooth finish and professional-looking results.
October 14th, 2024
Tomatoes picked at peak ripeness are more nutritious, juicier, sweeter, and have better texture and flavor. It’s tempting to eat them unprepared, like a peach.
So why aren’t we all growing our own tomatoes at home? For many people, the answer is space. But what if you could grow tomatoes in some of the smallest porches and kitchen areas?
October 7th, 2024
Cauliflower was first cultivated in the Mediterranean region around the 6th century BC, where it was valued for its flavor and versatility in cuisine.
The French adopted it in the 16th century and called it “chou-fleur,” meaning “cabbage flower.”
It was introduced to England in the early 17th century, where it became a favorite vegetable in high society.
October 1st, 2024
Fossil evidence traces the magnolia tree to over 95 million years ago, predating the evolution of bees. It grew naturally in North America, Central America, Asia, and the West Indies.
The Aztecs used magnolia bark and flowers to treat various ailments, ranging from respiratory problems to anxiety. They flavored their chocolate drinks with magnolia essence.
September 30th, 2024
A low-maintenance landscape features a simpler layout with fewer plants that thrive with minimal care. It reduces the time and effort of upkeep without sacrificing aesthetics.
A well-designed low-maintenance landscape can survive periods of neglect and give you the pleasure of a beautiful yard without demanding constant watering, weeding, and other tedious work.
September 29th, 2024
September 24th, 2024
Picking a paint color can be an overwhelming task. . . even for a designer. What seems like a simple process is actually a lot more complicated.
Through years of trial and error, we’ve created a foolproof process when it comes to picking paint colors.
September 22nd, 2024
The ancient Persians revered the pomegranate, which represented fertility and abundance. In Greek mythology, the pomegranate symbolized prosperity and eternal life.
The trees thrive in Southern California’s warm climate. With proper care, they’ll produce showy blossoms every spring and a bountiful harvest of ruby-red fruit in the fall.
September 15th, 2024
Zinnias originated in Mexico, but their name derives from an 18th-century German botanist, Johann Gottfried Zinn.
They grow rapidly and reliably from seed or transplants and need little care (almost like weeds!). They flourish in containers, attract pollinator insects, and stand out in cut flower arrangements.
September 13th, 2024
Dracaena is a genus of flowering plants with more than 170 species, including some too big to be grown indoors.
The plants trace back to Africa, Madagascar, and Southeast Asia, regions with warm climates and diverse ecosystems.
Dracaena ranges from small, bushy varieties to tall, tree-like specimens.
September 9th, 2024
Avocados are delicious and nutritious. They’re also remarkably easy to grow in Southern California yards.
The plant hails from Mexico, which also gave us the poinsettia and the zinnia. Persea americana dates back thousands of years and was first cultivated by the Mesoamerican tribes around 5000 BCE.
September 8th, 2024
Every drywall has a history — a history of dings, dents, scuffs, and holes.
Some holes may be easy to hide, while others are the size of a baseball — the very thing the kids were chucking about the house last week.
September 1st, 2024
August 26th, 2024
August 19th, 2024
Brussels sprouts, along with other cabbage species, most likely originated in the Mediterranean region. By the 5th century, they were widely cultivated in Northern Europe.
The modern Brussels sprout, as we know it, was developed in Belgium in the 16th century, hence its name.
Like most cabbage family members, Brussels sprouts thrive in temperatures between 45-75°F.
August 14th, 2024
Snake plants are native to West Africa. Their distinctive, spearlike leaves grow from a central crown and fan out upright.
The plant is a natural air purifier par excellence. A 1989 NASA study found that snake plants can remove toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from indoor air, and continue to convert CO2 into oxygen at night.
August 13th, 2024
Broccoli originated along the northern and western coasts of the Mediterranean, specifically in Italy. It’s a cultivar of wild cabbage.
The plant belongs to the Brassicaceae family (crucifers), which includes cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. It’s classified as a cool-season crop, meaning it does best in cooler temperatures and is usually grown in the fall or spring.
August 12th, 2024
Plumeria are tropical American shrubs or small trees with sweet, fragrant blooms.
Despite their close association with Hawaii (aloha!), plumeria plants are native to the Caribbean Basin.
They thrive in Southern California’s relatively mild climate, especially along the coast.