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Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants, Healthy You: The Simple Connection Between Food & Your Health

by | Jan 15, 2021 | Gardening | 0 comments

Everything in every cell of your body was once a biological or elemental part of your environment, originating in the soil, air, and water. You came from the earth. Like all living things, your life is supported by the Earth, and one day your physical body will return to the earth.

While you are alive, the food you eat is inextricably linked to soil particles that existed millions of years ago, part of a food chain that was here before mankind even appeared on the scene.

We must eat to live, but for some, eating amounts to nothing more than an arbitrary act, simply a way to fill their stomachs and avoid the sensation of hunger. The best way to live, however, is to eat consciously, with awareness, and with the intention that everything you allow into your body must be healthy and pure.

That isn’t always easy. The food available in most grocery stores and restaurants might not be as healthy as you think it is.

Making your own wise choices about the source of your food

The only way you can have ultimate control over the quality of the food you consume is to acquire it from an organic farm, a farmers market, or grow it yourself in soil you know to be untainted and healthy.

Yes, “healthy.” Soil is alive! It has vitality, a word defined as “of, or manifesting life.” Every cubic inch of healthy soil is a miniature world of beneficial living organisms carrying out nature’s amazing processes to break down organic matter, making it available to plants’ roots.

Those roots take up these life-giving elements to nourish the plant that nourishes you. Soil innovation is what Dr. Earth® is all about. Our patented ingredients like PreBiotic®, ProBiotic™, and ProMoisture Hydrate® all came about as a result of our company’s thorough understanding of the nature of healthy soil and how to nurture and preserve its life-giving properties.

Applying the concept of “organic” to your home garden

Commercial agriculture supplies our grocery stores with all the produce we can imagine, certified organic or not.

Some is grown locally, some on the other side of the nation or even the other side of the world. Although certification programs exist for organic farmers, your home garden has no policies or rules.

We have no manual to follow. Instead, we must have some common sense. If you use your neighbor’s leaf litter as compost and are positive they don’t apply any chemicals to their soil or plants, you don’t need to worry about the quality of the leaf litter.

Certification is more important to commercial growers, who must prove they are growing by accepted public standards or a set of rules in order to truthfully label their produce organic. For the home gardener, certified is a useless term, but you can make the choice to set your own high standards and use products and practices that will give you peace of mind and the assurance that your food is wholesome.

If you are not 100% certain that the soil in the location where you have, or plan to have, a garden is completely safe, don’t take chances. Consider a new site or create a garden of raised beds and add good soil. Dr. Earth® bagged soils will give you complete peace of mind and allow you to grow the delicious, nutritious produce you will never find in a store.

Grow as much of your own food as you can

The rest, buy from local farmers markets or a good local produce market that stocks organic produce, where organic certification actually matters. At home, trust your own good judgment and the excellent products made by Dr. Earth®, made with the intelligence of nature.

Look deeply into your particular situation to understand how and why the practices you choose meet your needs while protecting yourself and your soil.

In any agricultural endeavor, whether a small home garden or a massive corporate farm, we humans need to focus our energy on nurturing the soil which serves as the basis for healthy sustainable growth of our bodies, economies, nations, and planet.

By practicing organic gardening on a personal level and supporting others who do, we can hope to someday change practices on a global level and make a real dent in the universe. Healthy soil is the cornerstone of the prosperity of nations.

Nutrient density is very importantHealthy Soil

All over the planet, human health relates directly to soil health. Healthy, living soil gives life to everything that grows in it and is the main source supplying our plants with the sustenance they need to properly develop into naturally thriving, insect-resistant, nutrient-packed produce.

When we eat a piece of a living plant that came out of living soil, our body draws out the nutrients we need to stay alive and be healthy. Looking at this life process in reverse, we stay alive by extracting the life from living plants that depend on living soil.

When you think about these facts, you can realize what an important resource our soil is and why we should all be concerned about the way it is being polluted and destroyed through mankind’s carelessness and abuse.

Local, backyard & home grown

Your home garden is a better source of produce than commercial agriculture. When it comes to the large corporations that control most of our food supply and farmland, the concern is profit, not human health.

Chemical fertilizers and pesticides might give quick results, but they do nothing to maintain the balance of nature, actually killing the life in the soil over time. Likewise, fertilizing with sewage sludge – or “bio-solids,” the concentrated end product of wastewater treatment plants – has the potential to pollute soils with pathogens, heavy metals, thousands of chemicals, and other impurities that survive so-called “treatment” of waste that merely concentrates what heat cannot destroy.

Rest assured that Dr. Earth® soils and fertilizers have never and will never contain any bio-solids or cheap fillers like chicken manure.

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