Picking a paint color can certainly be an overwhelming task. . . even for a designer. What seems like a simple process is actually a lot more complicated. Through years of trial and error, we’ve created a foolproof process for picking paint colors. We’re sharing...
If you’re like most homeowners, you know how difficult it can be to keep tile and grout clean. Over time, grout can become discolored and stained, while dirt and grime can build up on your tiles. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to restore your tile and...
Ferns are special plants. Fossil records show they date back to the Paleozoic era, 400 million years ago. They’ve existed for millions of years and have adapted to nearly every climate and environment on Earth. They flourish in alpine areas and deserts, ponds...
Written by: Kate, Marketing Department and lover of all things Fall If the October beverage menu at Starbucks tells us anything, it’s that people LOVE the fall. I have no shame in admitting I am very much one of those people. Give me all the pumpkin spice beverages...
Brighten up your month with these fresh paint colors inspired by summer fruits, gardens, and nature from Pratt & Lambert Paints. Citrus Hues A great way to add a pop of color. These are bright and punchy colors that will add life to anything in your home. Where...
Spending so much time cooped up indoors during quarantine made me want to bring the outdoors in. To combat quarantine boredom and help me pass the time, I decided to spruce up a bookshelf in my sunroom. I needed something that was affordable and doable, given limited...