Imagine going 20 years without a haircut or grooming session. Now imagine you’re a Palo Verde tree. Same thing, different species. Unpruned Palo Verde is a tangled mess of brambles and branches, sometimes with no discernible tree form. But trimmed into shape,...
DIYers love tools. They collect them like squirrels gathering nuts for the winter — there can never be enough. But while owning every tool under the sun sounds appealing, is it practical? Renting tools instead can save space, money, and stress, especially for the...
Staining protects wood’s natural beauty. It highlights the grain, adds depth, and shields the material from sunlight, moisture, and wear. Your choice of wood stain and the quality of your application can dramatically alter the look and feel of the finished...
To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Except that some hammers aren’t meant for nails at all. The hammer, one of the first tools in human history and descended from a lowly rock, is now highly specialized and employed in various tasks from construction to...
Dirt is the downside of gardening. You pick it up on the soles of your shoes and track it into the kitchen, foyer, car, or wherever else you go. And when the rains come, you may as well move to the garage if you want to preserve the new carpet in your home. A...