Are you the neighborhood brown thumb? The wannabee master gardener who has mastered only plant destruction? There may be a problem with your gardening technique (duh!) that undermines the health of your plants. In this blog, we list the most common gardening mistakes...
The gardenia comes from tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Islands. The plant adapts well to Southern California’s Mediterranean climate and rewards the attentive gardener with fragrant, creamy white blossoms from late spring...
A head of commercial lettuce receives 4–6 applications of insecticide, 3–4 applications of fungicide, and 1 application of herbicide before it reaches your plate. Yep, that lettuce in your crisp lunch salad is loaded with vitamin K, vitamin A, and chemicals. Going...
Who’s a gardener’s BFF? A beneficial nematode, of course. Nematodes are tiny, worm-like organisms that live in soil and water. There are 25,000 species, some of which are harmful and others highly beneficial. In your garden, they can control grubs, root...
Salvia is a genus of around 1,000 species, including ornamentals, wildflowers, and culinary herbs like sage. Native to the Mediterranean, Central and South America, and Asia, it has been used worldwide in traditional medicine, cooking, and cultural ceremonies. Its...