Also called variegated laurel, crotons come from the South Pacific Islands. Their growth habit varies — dwarf crotons are bushy and compact, while tree-like varieties are tall and have a good spread. The plants are usually maintained at two to three feet, but given...
Cyclamens are tuberous-rooted perennials grown for their beautiful flowers that resemble shooting stars. They’re native to the Middle East, Cypress, and Crete and are commonly called “Sow Bread” because pigs eat their large roots. Their tubers...
Southern California is blessed with warm weather most of the year. Winters are mild. These conditions allow for many tropical blooming plants in our landscapes. One such plant is ixora, of which Jungle Geranium is the most common variety. Ixora Varieties Coming in all...
Daylilies are striking flowering perennials that can enhance a landscape with little gardening effort. They bloom in various colors and range in size from one foot to 6 feet, though most are from 18 inches to 36 inches. Their tuberous root system can be deciduous or...
Perennials are versatile plants with various creative uses in the garden, offering infinite exciting combinations. They add color, form, and texture, often for many years and with minimal maintenance. Looking at some landscape possibilities should stimulate ideas for...