Is it a bush or a tree? Trick question! Mulberry plants grow naturally as trees but are often pruned into bushes. Mulberry trees can reach up to 30–50 feet tall, while pruned bushes are usually a discreet 6–12 feet. The plants are native to temperate and subtropical...
Who’s a gardener’s BFF? A beneficial nematode, of course. Nematodes are tiny, worm-like organisms that live in soil and water. There are 25,000 species, some of which are harmful and others highly beneficial. In your garden, they can control grubs, root...
The serviceberry tree (genus Amelanchier) bears spectacular white flowers in early spring, followed by sweet, blueberry-like fruit in the summer. Its fall foliage turns brilliant shades of orange and red. Varieties of this North American plant range from small shrubs...
Salvia is a genus of around 1,000 species, including ornamentals, wildflowers, and culinary herbs like sage. Native to the Mediterranean, Central and South America, and Asia, it has been used worldwide in traditional medicine, cooking, and cultural ceremonies. Its...
LA’s dry and sometimes unforgiving soil can make even simple yard projects challenging. You may find therapy in gardening, but do you want to work harder than you need to? In SoCal’s mild climate with year-round plant growth, the upkeep never ceases, even...