The Money Pit, a 1986 comedy starring Tom Hanks and Shelley Long, follows the misadventures of a couple who buy a fixer-upper home. Their bargain buy turns into one maintenance disaster after another, wiping out their savings and throwing them into financial straits....
Maybe you have a door that sticks, a leaky faucet, or a loose cabinet handle. Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters don’t do home repairs, and they’re far from affordable. And it would be overkill to hire the plumber for something as piddling as a running...
Do you plan to build a deck or spruce up a newly purchased home? Chances are, you’re already equipped with a truckload of tools for your DIY projects. But if you’re new to the DIY game or short a tool here and there, we’ve compiled a list of...
It seems so obvious: a more efficient screw that handles higher torque, reduces slippage, and speeds the manufacturing process. Yet the Phillips screw wasn’t invented until the early 1930s and patented by John P. Thompson of Portland, Oregon, in 1932. The...
I moved into a townhome last October and haven’t really yet made an effort to make it feel like home. I don’t know if you can relate to this, but as a renter I get stuck in a way of thinking where I don’t allow myself to put a lot of effort into my living environment...
HVAC stands for “heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.” HVAC technicians work with central heating and cooling systems, furnaces, boilers, air conditioners, heat pumps, ventilation systems, and commercial refrigeration units. They understand the...