Today, the zombie apocalypse has arrived. Everything has changed. No more gleaming grocery stores, no more frozen food aisles. You’re on your own. All those AMC shows you never took seriously were a prophecy. Beyond preparing for the zombie apocalypse, there are...
Since most gardeners produce tomatoes, there’s no shortage of opinions about the best methods to grow them. Below, we cover a few important facts to ensure a good crop. Tomato plants need moist soil with good drainage within a pH of 5.5 to 7.5. It should have...
It’s easy for home gardeners to cultivate a lush lawn and garden without resorting to the chemical fertilizers and pesticides that threaten our waters, wildlife, families, and pets. Common sense, good garden practices, natural fertilizers, and alternative...
Perfect for people with limited gardening space, container gardening is a wonderful way to beautify your surroundings and improve an urban, porch, or patio environment. Since most containers are portable, you’ll be able to move your plants around and give your...
As I yank out my last beets every spring, my tomato anxiety begins. In February, when I start a few seeds indoors on a heat mat, I feel I have all the time in the world. When I purchased a few unusual varieties in four-inch pots in March, I wondered if I was jumping...
With spring just days away, it’s time to start preparing your garden plan for peak planting season. Last year I had great success growing Serrano and Jalapeño Chiles and this year I’ve decided to broaden my repertoire. I’m mad about making salsas and hot sauce....