The ancient Egyptians drilled deep holes into limestone and granite, leaving Egyptologists to puzzle over how they did it. Today, drilling is more common and less mysterious. Every DIYer has a drill — or several — in the garage and a complement of specialized drill...
The Bertha Tunnel Boring Machine dug the SR 99 tunnel in Seattle and measured a massive 57.5 feet in diameter and 326 feet long. Its custom cutter head cost over $80 million. Though less impressive, the drill bits we’ll discuss in this blog do essentially the...
50,000 years ago, prehistoric humans gathered around fires to keep themselves warm, ward off predatory animals, and cook their food. Fast-forward to today. Little has changed, except the animal predators are gone from urban landscapes. People still gather around...
It’s a garage, not a junkyard. So why have you crammed it so full of stuff that you can no longer park your car in it? The garage is often the most cluttered area of a house, but it doesn’t have to be. With a few simple DIY storage solutions, you may be...
LA’s dry and sometimes unforgiving soil can make even simple yard projects challenging. You may find therapy in gardening, but do you want to work harder than you need to? In SoCal’s mild climate with year-round plant growth, the upkeep never ceases, even...