Anawalt Gardening & Tool Tips
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October 6th, 2023
September 25th, 2023
September 22nd, 2023
Poinsettias, whose bright petal-like bracts appear in late fall, have long been the most popular Christmas plant.
Hybridization has brought about many improvements to the fragile poinsettia. Plants are now more colorful; they also last longer.
September 15th, 2023
When planning a new flower or vegetable garden, your family should be realistic about the time and cost for preparation, planting, maintenance, harvesting, and removal of residue. The suggested size for a family flower or vegetable garden is 100 to 400 square feet. You can increase or decrease it later, as needed.
August 30th, 2023
Landscape and vegetable gardening in containers is growing in popularity. Containers are helpful for gardeners with limited space to provide special features or flexibility in the landscape and obtain maximum production from flower and vegetable plants. Special flowers and vegetables may be grown each spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
August 25th, 2023
August 24th, 2023
August 24th, 2023
Also known as variegated Laurel, Crotons come from the South Pacific Islands. The habit of growth varies with the type of plant. Dwarf croton varieties are bushy and compact. The tree-like varieties are tall and have a good spread. Crotons are usually maintained at two to three feet, but if given the opportunity, they can grow into large trees.
August 18th, 2023
Most tropical plants do fine indoors and will even take some abuse. If properly maintained, they’ll live to a ripe old age, bringing you much enjoyment.
Here, we’re discussing their general care and maintenance. With patience and dedication, even a beginning gardener can develop a green thumb quickly.
August 14th, 2023
Cyclamen are tuberous-rooted perennials grown for their beautiful flowers that resemble shooting stars.
They’re native to the Middle East, Cypress, and Crete. They have a common name of “Sow Bread” because pigs eat the big roots. Their tubers contain “cyclamin,” which is harmless to pigs but can cause gastritis and nervous tension when ingested by humans.
August 11th, 2023
Whether grown indoors or out, all orchids require roughly the same care. Of the many species and hybrid orchids, the most familiar types are cattleya, cymbidium, and paphiopedilum, which are the corsage types.
August 10th, 2023
Southern California has the blessing of warm weather most of the year. Winters are mild, too. These conditions allow for many tropical blooming plants in our landscapes. One such plant is Ixora, of which jungle geranium is the most common variety.
August 8th, 2023
August 7th, 2023
Perennials are versatile plants with various creative uses in the garden, offering infinite exciting combinations. They add color, form, and texture, often for many years and with minimal maintenance. Looking at some landscape possibilities should stimulate ideas for your yard or garden.
July 31st, 2023
The hibiscus is an elegant blooming plant whose popularity is growing, whether container cultivated around decks, porches, and patios or used in landscape settings as annual color.
While individual flowers may last only a day or so, especially in the hot summer, many new buds form daily for a spectacular flower show from spring through fall.
July 26th, 2023
Bromeliads are ideally suited for home decoration. They can be displayed in pots, hanging baskets, dish gardens, or on bark or driftwood.
They’re relatively easy to care for, and don’t need to be in large pots or containers.
July 25th, 2023
To understand fertilizer and what it does, you must know the roles plant nutrients play in a plant’s growth and development.
Each nutrient has a specific function essential for plant health and productivity. In this blog, we’ve included a list of primary and secondary nutrients most plants require.
July 20th, 2023
The best kept secret for lawn care is to adjust the height up to the highest setting and leave the clippings.
The lawn has been the foundation of suburban landscapes in the USA. However, many gardeners complain that a lawn wastes water, fertilizers, chemicals and time that could be spent with more enjoyable activities.